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Hillary Clinton's Scandals

- Hillary Clinton
- Politics
- 1992 - Present
- Candidate for 2016 Democratic Presidential Nomination
Now that she has officially announced her candidacy in the 2016 election, here's an overview of Democratic Presidential hopeful Hillary Rodham Clinton.
She's a very well-known figure, having been First Lady for eight years, a U.S Senator from New York and U.S. Secretary of State under President Barack Obama, who defeated her in her bid for the Democratic Presidential nomination in 2008.
However, she's been named in several controversial matters. We don't suggest that any of these issues or accusations should or will be deal breakers with the American people. Ultimately the voters in the Democrat Party's nominating process and in the general election of November 2016 will decide on the veracity and importance of them.
We're just trying to give a summary of what's been said to date about candidate Clinton and her responses, written the week (4/13/15) that she declared her candidacy for President in 2016.

It was originally called the Clinton Foundation when it was founded in 2001. But in 2013, it was recast as the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. It stopped accepting money from foreign governments in 2009, when she became Secretary of State. But when she resigned the diplomatic post in 2013, it reversed the policy and has taken money from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Oman.
This raised some eyebrows because she's running for President, and there are concerns the fundraising activities could compromise Clinton's independence.
But in the week of her announcement, there was another pivot, with reports that donations would be accepted from these following foreign governments: Australia, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and the United Kingdom.
Large donations would be off limits from other countries.
Before the Clintons exploded onto the national scene, even before Bill was Governor of Arkansas, a family friend helped Hillary turn $12,000 worth of stock in Tyson Foods into a $100,000 profit. No laws were broken, but Hillary didn't disclose it until Bill's second year as Governor.
Then, during Bill's first campaign for President in 1992, the Whitewater scandal came to light. Basically, in the 1970's and '80's, the Clinton's invested in the development company with friends Jim and Susan McDougal. It was charged that Governor Clinton pressured a bank to lend $300,000 for real estate investments with the company and that transactions between Clinton and an Arkansas bank were concealed.
Neither Clinton was charged with wrongdoing, but the McDougals and Jim Guy Tucker, who succeed Bill Clinton as Arkansas Governor, were convicted of fraud.
Candidate Clinton plans to champion the hopes of middle class Americans but was charging $300,000 per political speech and defended the price by saying that, after eight years in the white House she and her husband were dead broke and in debt.
This despite the fact that they spent 1.7 million dollars for a house in Chappaqua, New York in 1999 and a $2.85 million dollar home in Washington in 2000. Her financial disclosure form that year listed assets on one-point-eight million dollars.
Poised to become the first female President in U.S. history, and an avowed champion of women's causes, Hillary has been criticized for the way she's reacted to the women her husband has been accused or caught with fooling around with. She called Monica Lewinsky a "narcissistic loony-toon"…

…and she's been accused of denigrating other accusers as part of a so-called "nuts and sluts" campaign.
She was a U.S. Senator from New York from 2001 to 2009, but no piece of legislation carries her name. And when she moved on to Secretary of State, she was engulfed in controversy when four Americans, including the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, were killed in a terrorist raid in Benghazi.

When challenged during congressional hearings about what she knew and when she knew it, she famously responded:

In March 2015, weeks before announcing her campaign, it was learned that Clinton conducted all of her email business, public, private and political – through private emails on a server based in her home. She claims to have done it for convenience.
After a few weeks of not discussing the issue, in mid-May, 2015, the candidate said she wanted the State Department to speed up the release of 55,000 email pages from her time as the nation's chief diplomat.
However, when asked if she would demand their release, she said they were not hers.
Months of questions followed regarding the propriety of Clinton's use of private email and a private server. And she steadfastly maintained that she did nothing wrong through the summer of 2015, saying it was allowed. But then, right after Labor Day, Hillary relented and said she was sorry.
The issue continued to simmer, even though her Primary rival for the Democratic nomination, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, didn't make a big deal about it.
However, it truly started ringing alarm bells in the summer of 2016, when FBI Director James Comey announced that an agency review showed no basis for criminal charges, although he lambasted her for carelessness and not telling the truth.
Republican nominee Donald Trump was outraged and complained the political system was rigged. His supporters chanted "Lock Her Up" at political gatherings, including the Republican National Convention.
Evidence also came to light that tens of thousands of emails subpoenaed by Congress were destroyed forever.
Then, a week and a half before the election, Comey made good on a pledge to Congress to re-open the probe if new evidence was available. The new questions came in the form of hundreds of thousands of emails on the laptop of disgraced, former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner, under a FBI separate investigation for Weiner's alleged "sexting" with a 15-year-old girl.
Weiner was the estranged husband of top Hillary aide Huma Abadin, and she backed up her emails from Hillary on his computer.
The tables turned, Republicans now praised Comey for his civic-mindedness while Democrats (and even some Republicans) said he should just butt out.
But Comey didn't stop and had an estimated 650-thousand emails vetted in about eight days using high tech techniques. Two days before the election, he went back to his July stance that there was no basis for prosecution.
The Clinton campaign said "told you so", but also complained the damage was done. And 24 hours later, on Tuesday, November 8th, 2016, although she won the popular vote nationwide by more than 200,000 votes, she lost in the Electoral College, where 270 votes were needed, with Trump at 290 and Clinton falling short with 228. (Two states, Michigan and New Hampshire, hadn't finished counting their votes, but their electoral college allocations would not sway the outcome.)
Clinton conceded the race the following morning.
Her shady dealings – along with Trump's unconventional, populist message and rising discontent with skyrocketing costs under the Obamacare Health Care Act - made him the 45th President of the United States and Hillary Clinton the first nominated, though un-elected, woman up for the White House.