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Dominique Straus Kahn's Scandals

- Dominique Straus Kahn
- Economist, Politician
- May, 2011
- Resignation
He was a prominent French economist and politician…

…mentioned as a possible candidate for President of France and was the sitting leader of the International Monetary fund.

…when his reputation was permanently tarnished, even though he was not convicted of a crime.
Dominique Stars Kahn was staying at the Sofitel Hotel in Manhattan in May, 2011 when a hotel chambermaid Nafissatou Diallo…

…accused him of rape. Although some of his semen was found on his shirt.
DSK, as he was also known, was held under house arrest in lower Manhattan

He denied the accusations
And the case against him unraveled when prosecutors started doubting the maid's story – which she tearfully reiterated on TV.
Eventually the New York City charges were dropped.

But DSK's wife, French journalist Anne Sinclair…

…eventually divorced him.
And in 2013 he was caught up in a prostitution scandal in France, accused of aggravated pimping.

In June, 2013, a French court cleared Straus Kahn of pimping charges, stemming from a series of sex parties between 2008 and 2011 in France, Belgium and Washington, D.C.
He no longer faced ten years in prison and a one-point-7 million dollar fine, but his high powered career was left in shambles.