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Arnold Schwarzenegger's Scandals

- Arnold Schwarzenegger
- Bodybuilder, Actor, California Governor
- May 2001
- Divorce after fathering a child with the housekeeper
Here's a guy whose accomplishments were as muscular as his physique.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is a former Mr. Universe and Mr. Olympia…

.....who went on to become a Hollywood film icon, thanks in part to "The Terminator" series…

…was twice elected Governor of California…

…and, in his personal life, married into the fabulously famous Kennedy clan, pictured here with his wife Maria Shriver.

But it was his married life that blew up when it was revealed years later that he fathered a child with the family housekeeper...

…and his reputation suffered.
Early signs of trouble surfaced in his first campaign for Governor, when charges of sexual and personal misconduct were leveled against Schwarzenegger. He admitted behaving badly and apologized but hedged it by saying that much of what was reported wasn't true.
His marriage to news correspondent and Kennedy family member Maria Shriver produced four children but ended after 25 years in May, 2011 when it was revealed that he had fathered a son more than 14 years earlier with a household employee named Mildred "Patty" Baena. Her son Joseph…

…was born in October, 1997 and Arnold claimed it took seven or eight years before her found out he'd fathered a child with the housekeeper. Shriver left. He took financial responsibility for the boy.
Afterwards, actress Brigitte Nielsen…

…said she too had a fling with Arnie while he was in a relationship with Maria.
His first post scandal movie was "Last Stand".
And in 2014, Schwarzenegger, reflecting on his life, said he was least proud of the mistakes that he made, causing his family pain and for it to break apart.